
Our agriturismo

Through the years, we have transformed Metina into a place we are proud to share with you. Metina is a small farm of about 5 hectares, where we grow olives, lavender, aromatic herbs, and fruit trees.

“Humans are never as great, as when they bend to look after a plant of flower...”
metina Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made exclusively from our 400 olive trees, which all belong to the traditional local varieties: Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino e Correggiolo. We harvest our olives by hand in October - November. And the resulting Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a light bitter note and a gentle bite, which make it ideal for any dish.

“Our favourite painting technique is oil on bruschetta with a glass of rosso di Montepulciano wine.”
Monica & Alberto
metina Aromatic Herbs

Aromatic Herbs

Lavender in bloom is a pleasure for all the senses, which fills the heart with peace and harmony. Marjory, sage, rosemary and thyme - Our garden is planted with a wide variety of aromatic herbs and their aromas will enrich your barbecues and dishes.

“I know a spell which transforms all usual thoughts in awe and imagination: it is called a field of lavender.”
Fabrizio Caramagna